In part one of this series, we discussed how medical device technology can frequently outpace the development...
We are pleased to announce that we are adding Clinical Trial Services to our Engineering and Regulatory...
This is the first part in a six-part series that will help explain your options. When a...
The aspect of MED that we take the most pride in is our history. With over 30...
As mentioned in our previous case study , testing the radio-frequency-induced tissue heating by implanted medical devices is...
A team of MED engineers recently attended the ORS 2016 Annual Meeting. The meeting was held in...
Earlier this month MED Institute exhibited at the 2016 Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) meeting in...
Regarding MRI safety, testing the radio-frequency-induced heating of implanted medical devices is important to prevent harm to...
The Office of Science and Engineering Laboratories (OSEL)/Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) is pleased to...
The vast majority of medical devices are marketed in the United States based on one of two...
We are committed to consistently performing services with high quality, that deliver exceptional results, and add value to the client’s business.
For client surveys sent in the last two quarters, we received ratings of 4.98/5 points (9).